Author name: ruimarinho

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Presentation on MonkeyFest

This year i didn’t had the change to go to Singapore for MonkeyFest but i still did a presentation via […]

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New adventure – Joining Xamarin team

I have some fantastic news, and i m so excited it’s hard to believe this is really happening.I m very proud to share that i have joined Xamarin.

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Using Xamarin Forms Labs – Intro

Getting started with Xamarin Forms Labs. First let’s start as simple as possible, there are some features like IOC that the Labs project uses extensively that i will also explain further.

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Introducing Xamarin Forms Labs

Last month Xamarin presented Xamarin 3.0, a refresh on the Xamarin suite of tools to build cross platform apps with C#. There were 4 major announcements but i personally got really excited by the new library Xamarin.Forms … The basics were all there, but we had found holes the Xamarin.Forms team had not found or not plugged yet. So I started a repository on GitHub called Xamarin.Forms.Toolkit and this thread on the forum. The idea was to work on a common toolkit tailored for the brand new Xamarin.Forms.

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