New adventure – Joining Xamarin team

I have some fantastic news, and i m so excited it’s hard to believe this is really happening.I m very proud to share that i have joined Xamarin.

I had a great time at DevScope, it were three great years where i really learned a lot with everyone. The mix of different fields from web, to BI, Biztalk or image processing made me be aware of multiple ways of facing technology and how they are shaping our life. I take with me a gigantic baggage of knowledge, as well as a great group of friends. It was great, thanks everyone specially the CEO and one of the great developers i have had the pleasure to meet and learn with, Rui Barbosa.

So my next chapter is the next logical step in trying to focus even more on mobile development, i will be joining a world class company in cross platform mobile development with C# , Xamarin.
I used the product and i love it, i even started an open source project related with Xamarin.Forms, and there’s exactly where i will start working at Xamarin.
I m joining the Xamarin Forms team helping out shaping the framework that enables not only share business code, but share your UI written in C# or even Xaml between your apps while maintaining the native look and feel and performance. I will be continuing helping and working with Xamarin Forms community in the Labs projects and others ideas.

Its a very exciting time for me, i m traveling next week to Xamarin Evolve conference, where i will meet most of the my Xamarin fellows, word class developers, and the amazing community that is working with Xamarin products.
You can check out some live stream of the main stage , or check the video sessions once they are posted.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about Xamarin or need something, as always i m here to help you.

4 thoughts on “New adventure – Joining Xamarin team”

  1. Sweet! Congratulations. I’ve been using bits and pieces of your Labs project, as well as leveraging structural guidance from it. Looking forward to seeing what you can help get baked into the system.


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