
Things i want to talk about


Moving Jobs… Joining DevScope

Depois de 3 anos a trabalhar no Hospital de São João, é altura de mudar e aceitar novos desafios. Por isso, dia 3 de Novembro será o meu ultimo dia de trabalho no serviço de Sistemas de Informação do HSJ.
A partir de 7 de Novembro tenho o prazer de me juntar á equipa da DevScope

rui marinho logo

New logo for

For some time that i was playing with the ideia of creating a logo for myself and this website, of course since i m not a designer i only had the idea and was missing the skills.

Blog, work

Internacional de Skimboard – Website

Nas ultimas duas semanas estive a preparar o website do Internacional de Skimboard Praia de Santa Cruz. Os responsáveis do projecto são grandes amigos meus e pediram me uma ajudinha.
Queriam algo bonito e com estilo e simples decidi logo que iria usar a minha plataform de eleição do momento, o Wordpress.

Blog, Labs

Windows 8 Dashboard in Html5

The Metro design language is now in all Microsoft products, it started with windows phone, whent to the dev tools like silverlight that offers metro ready templates, in the last months also almost every product website was refresh to this new metro look.. and last, the unveiling of Windows 8, it has a new look and feel inspired in Metro using live tiles as the start screen.

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