Two new skimboard videos for SkimStore

Hi everyone, i recently went in vacations to California, more properly Laguna Beach. I have a side project called , a store that sells some of the best skimboard related products in the industry, we also have a small crew of friends that we give a hand with some cool stuff.
I made some videos with our crew and some of the best skimboarders of the world and i met wonderful people while i was in the EUA.

I m really happy with this last work on video. I film and edited this movies for , in the tech side of things i got a new camera, a Go Pro Hero 3, and updated my edit tool, i used Final Cut Pro X, and i must say that i m pretty happy with the software, at least for me as a self taught and starting in the video editing business. FCPX handle HD 1080p importing, preview and with the awesome live scrubbing always without a problem, i updated my MBP recently for a samsung sad and that helped too. GoPro rocks, with remote, iphone app, it has a wireless built-in and even a rest api 🙂 , more on that to come here on the blog!

here are the links for the website annoucments

Part 1 Video

Part 2 Video


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