Receitas Dias

Voilá i entered the world of Apple AppStore.
Apple has without a doubt the biggest marketplace on the world with more than 600 000 apps. The timming to get around new development skills to deploy apps to the app store arrived.
The choice for entering this daunting world was done using our well known and hip HTML5 .. using frameworks like Sencha Touch and Phonegap as the building blocks we created a cool experience to browse receipts in your ios device.
In this project i was invited by Bacalhau Dias to develop a iphone app with a slick design coming from team.
The biggest problem was working around the performance glitches of the html and javascript and handling hight resolution images. I also worked hard to make the experience feel as native as possible. The app also supports retina display to get the best of that awesome iphone display screen.
In the overall this was a fun project with a big but important learning curve in the mobile development and apple app store submission process.

Stay tunned for more updates.

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